"Understanding Social Power," Phalanx. Vol 55, No 2, December 2022 (Co-author)."A Model for Amplifying Military Education," ORMS Today. Vol 49, No 4. August 2022 (Co-author) [shorter version].
"A Model for Amplifying Military Education,"
Phalanx. Vol 55, No 2. June 2022 (Co-author).
"Achieving Cognitive Warfare Superiority Amidst
Accelerating change,"
Phalanx. Vol 55, No 1. March 2022 (Co-author).
2021: "The Official MORS Position on Ethics,"
Vol 54, No 1, March 2021. "Two New Books by Dr. Dean Hartley," Oak Ridge Neighbors.
March 2021, Oak Ridge, TN. "The Increasing Importance of Syntheses and
the Synthesizing Mind," in ORMS Today, Vol 48, No
1, February 2021 (Co-author). 2020: "Dreams of Space Industry Could Be a Reality," Oak Ridge Neighbors.
January 2020, Oak Ridge, TN. 2019: "Persuasion Wars, Part 2," in OR/MS Today, Vol 46, No
4, August
2019 (Co-author). "Persuasion Wars, Part 1," in OR/MS Today, Vol 46, No
3, June
2019 (Co-author). "Detecting Emergence and Novelty: A Call for
an Eratosthenes Affiliation for the 21st Century," in Phalanx, Vol 42, No
2, June
2019 (Co-author). 2018: "MORS Partners: The Next Step in the
Evolution of MORS Stakeholders," in Phalanx, Vol 51, No 1,
2018 (Co-author). 2017: "Essentials of Energy Storage," in
Proceedings of the Seventh Annual Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Math &
Education Conference, June 8 - 10
2017, Hawaii University International Conferences (Co-author). 2016: "Operations Research Practice: 50 Year's
Experience," in Phalanx, Vol 49, No 3,
2016. 2015: "Practical VV&A for
DIME/PMESII Models," in Phalanx, Vol 48, No 1,
2015. 2014: "Psychological Profiling of World
Leaders," in OR/MS Today, Vol 41, No 6, December
2014 (Co-author). "Ontologies
Support M&S Analysis in the IW Domain," in Phalanx,
Vol 47, No 2, June 2014 (Co-author). "Engineering an Irregular Warfare
(IW) Model," in Hawaii University International Conferences (HUIC)
Proceedings, June 2014. 2013: Irregular
Warfare (IW) Ontology Final Report. TRAC, Ft Leavenworth. TRAC-TBD,
September 2013 (Co-author). 2012: "Ontology Structures for Modeling
Irregular Warfare," in Military Operations Research, Vol17, Num 2, 2012. "Using Ontologies in Conceptual Model
Validation," in Hawaii
University International Conferences (HUIC) Proceedings, July 2012. 2011: Irregular
Warfare (IW) Metrics Ontology Final Report. TRAC, Ft Leavenworth.
TRAC-H-TR-13-020, July 2011 (Co-author). "First citizen
of the information age," ORMS
Today. Vol 38, No 3, June 2011 (Co-author). "Developing
Human Social Cultural and Behavioral (HSCB) Ontologies to Support Simulations,"
Simulation Interoperability Workshop 2011, April 2011, Orlando, FL (co-author). 2010: "Comparing
Validation Results for Two DIME/PMESII Models: Understanding Coverage Profiles" in Proceedings
of the 2010 Winter Simulation Conference,
B. Johansson, S. Jain, J. Montoya-Torres, J. Hugan, and E. Yucesan, eds. IEEE. 2009: "Situational Awareness Using the ISSM" in Human Behavior-Computational Modeling and
Interoperability Conference 2009, June 23-24, ORNL, Oak Ridge, TN. 2007: "Measuring Success in 21st Century
Conflicts," ORMS Today. Vol 34, No 3, Jun 2007. "Psychiatrist Prescribes O.R.," ORMS
Today. Vol 34, No1, Feb 2007. "Book Review of 'Military Power:
Explaining Victory and Defeat in Modern Battle," authored by S. Biddle."
Interfaces. Vol 37, No 1, Jan-Feb 2007. 2006: "High-priority
areas for army battle command (BC)-related modeling and simulation (M&S) science
and technology (S&T)," in Enabling Technologies for Simulation Science X, edited
by Dawn Trevisani Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 6227 (SPIE, Bellingham, WA,
2006) Article CID Number 6227-11, 2006 (numerous co-authors). "Transmission-Level, Power Grid Modeling for Security, Assurance and Operations,"
in The 19th Mini EURO Conference on Operational Research Models and Methods in the Energy Sector (ORMMES’06),
Coimbra, Portugal, September 6-8, 2006 (Co-author).
2005: "MOOTW FAST Toolbox:
Supporting the Warfighter in Winning the Peace," Proceedings
of the 2005 Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation, and
Education Conference (I/ITSEC) 2005 (numerous co-authors). "Army model and simulation
science and technology investment plan," Enabling
Technologies for Simulation Science IX, Proceedings of SPIE Vol.
5805, Dawn A. Trevisani, Alex F. Sisti, eds., SPIE,
Bellingham, WA, 2005 (numerous co-authors). "Psychopharmacology Algorithm
Development," Psychiatric Annals, Vol 35, No 11,
Nov 2005 (numerous co-authors). “Integration of Battle Command Systems and Lessons from Legacy Systems Experience”, American Institute for Aeronautics and Astronautics, 4th Biennial National Forum on Weapon System Effectiveness,19 October 2005
(co-author). "Commonality Faults in Superscaled Systems: An example using the simulation
domain and network-centric operations," International
Federation of Operational Research Societies & Institute for Operations
Research and the Management Sciences, Triennial International
Conference, July 11-15, 2005 (co-author). 2004: "Military Operations Other
Than War: A Toolbox for Warriors," MORS-WG22 Barchi
Submission. 2002: "Simulating Without
Data," Proceedings of the 2002 Winter Simulation
Conference, E. Yucesan, C.-H. Chen, J. L. Snodon, and J. M.
Charnes, eds. [external link]. "Is Military OR Relevant in
Our World?" Phalanx, Vol 35, No 4, December 2002. NATO Code of Best Practice for
C2 Assessment, CCRP (numerous co-authors) [external link]. 2001: "Battle Modeling," Encyclopedia
of Operations Research and Management Science, Millenium Edition,
Saul Gass and Carl Harris, editors, Kluwer Academic Publishers. "OOTW Analysis," Encyclopedia
of Operations Research and Management Science, Millenium Edition,
Saul Gass and Carl Harris, editors, Kluwer Academic Publishers. 1999: "OOTW Impact Analysis," Proceedings
of the 1999 Winter Simulation Conference, P. A. Farrington,
H. B. Nembhard, D. T. Sturrock, and G. W. Evans, eds. (co-authors
Richard E. Bell and Stephen L. Packard). [external link]. "Book Review of 'Military
Operations Research: Quantitative Decision Making,' authored by
N. K. Jaiswal," IIE Transactions on Operations
Engineering, Vol 31, No 3, March 1999. 1998: "Observers' Report," Psychopharmacology
Bulletin, Vol 34, No 3, 1998. 1997: "Supporting OOTW with
Analysis: Missing Tools," MSOSA Special Interest Group:
Operations Other Than War, Dean Hartley, editor. "Verification &
Validation in Military Simulations," Proceedings of the
1997 Winter Simulation Conference, S. Andradottir, K. J.
Healy, D. H. Withers, and B. L. Nelson, editors. [external link]. "Modeling & Simulation
Requirements for Operations Other Than War (OOTW)," Proceedings
of the Japan/U.S. Operations Research Seminar (JUORS) VIII,
13-17 Oct 1997, Tokyo, Japan (co-authors Lynda Jaques and Michael
Sovereign). "Supporting OOTW with
Analysis: Missing Tools," Proceedings of the Electronic
Simulation (ELECSIM) Conference '97, Dean Hartley, editor, [external link]. "Subdivisions Support an
Enduring Role: Spotlight on the College on Simulation and the
Military Applications Society," OR/MS Today, October
1997. "Should the Limits of
Liability be Changed?" Proceedings of the 1997
International Oil Spill Conference, April 1997, Fort
Lauderdale, FL (co-author Barbara Beckerman). 1996: "Modeling Presentations at
National Conventions," Military Operations Research,
Vol 2, No. 2, 1996. "Battle Modeling," Encyclopedia
of Operations Research and Management Science, Saul Gass and
Carl Harris, editors, Kluwer Academic Publishers. "Using Constructive
Simulations and ALSP for Training in UFL 92," Phalanx,
Vol 29, No. 4, Dec 1996. 1995: "Revisionist View of Training
Simulation Validity Requirements," Phalanx. "An Existence Proof for Systems Reuse," Proceedings of the Software
Technology Conference '95 (co-author Hamid Samadani). "Validating Lanchester's
Square Law and Other Attrition Models," Naval Research
Logistics (co-author Robert Helmbold). "A Mathematical Model of
Attrition Data," Naval Research Logistics. "Modeling Psycho-Social
Attributes in Conflict," Proceedings of the Third Asia
Pacific Military Operations Research (AMORS III) Conference,
Bangkok, Thailand. "Modeling Psycho-Social
Attributes in Conflict, Extended," 1995 Winter Simulation
Conference Proceedings. 1993-1995 "MAS Chairman," regular
feature column in Phalanx, a quarterly international joint
publication of the Military Application Section (MAS) of the
Institute for Operations Research and Management Sciences
(INFORMS) and the Military Operations Research Society (MORS). 1994: Predicting
Combat Effects,
Theater Level Model Conceptual Model," Abstracts of 1993
MORS Symposium (co-authors Kara Kruse, John Martellaro,
Stephen Packard, Victoria Turley, Benjamin Thomas). "Changes for ORSA/TIMS: Part
II," OR/MS Today. "The Oak Ridge Spreadsheet
Battle Model," Phalanx. "Using Constructive Training
Simulations and ALSP for Training in UFL 92," Proceedings
of the Electronic Simulation (ELECSIM) Conference '94. "Solving Real Problems,"
Military Operations Research. 1993: "Book Review of 'Modern
Combat Models: A Critique of Their Foundations,' authored by C.
J. Ancker, Jr. and A. V. Gafarian," Interfaces. "Summary Working Group 29
Combat Models, Gaming and Simulation - Symposium Agenda and
Abstracts of Papers," Proceedings of 1992 MORS Symposium. "War Games," OR/MS
Today. "A Methodology for IV&V
of a Combat Model Concept," Proceedings of the Conference
on High Performance Computing (co-authors Kara Kruse, John
Martellaro, Stephen Packard, Victoria Turley, Benjamin Thomas). "Empirical VV&A of
Confederations of Simulations," Proceedings of a Workshop
on Methods and Tools for Verification, Validation, and
Accreditation October 5-6, 1993. "Analyze Alternatives," OR/MS
Today. 1992: "Practical Historical
Validation," Phalanx. "Military Operations
Research: Presentations at ORSA/TIMS Meetings," Operations
Research. "Summary Working Group 29
Combat Models, Gaming and Simulation - Symposium Agenda and
Abstracts of Papers," Proceedings of 1991 MORS Symposium. 1991: "Mathematical Modeling of
Historical Combat Data," Proceedings of the 1991 Callaway
Workshop. 1990: "The Oak Ridge Spreadsheet
Battle Model," Proceedings of the '90 Winter Simulation
Conference. 1989: "Computer-Aided Research
Notes," Bulletin of the American Society for Information
Science. "The Constraint Model of
Attrition," Proceedings of the '89 Winter Simulation
Conference. "Research Notes System: A
Database Manager for Annotated Bibliographic Citations," Information
Technology and Libraries.
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Solving Complex Operational and Organizational Problems
Dr. Dean S. Hartley III, Principal