DIME/PMESII Community of
Interest Representative Questions |
This is the webpage for Relevant Questions. The discussions, news articles, and job announcements are hosted on the LinkedIn Group website.
What is the nature of GWOT?
How do we predict where and when terrorist will attack?
How do we identify terrorists?
How do we locate and model terrorist funds and funding streams?
How do we locate and model terrorist resource and resource streams?
How do we predict effects of actions taken against terrorists?
How do we engage in a war of ideas at home and abroad?
How do we detect and counter deception?
How do we support planning, execution monitoring and assessment?
How do we support creating strategy and objectives?
How do we do Adversary Modeling?
How do we construct social networks of parent organizations?
How we identify individual terrorist to kill?
What metrics do we need to develop?
What names do we know?
What events do we know?
What background information do we know?
What organizations do we know?
Is counterinsurgency likely to succeed in this case?
What should be done first?
How will military activities influence civilian activities and vice versa?
How can you avoid destroying with military activities what you have built up with civilian activities?
What should the intervener do and what should be left to the host nation?
How do poor sanitation, health and educational services affect local support for insurgents?
How does the population relate to different insurgent groups as organizations, not as an insurgency? (e.g., how they operate and how people are affected by them as an organization)
How do we split the population away from the insurgents, especially in key areas?
What tactics of intimidation do the insurgents use? How does the population define rule of law and justice?
What drives popular support/ tolerance for the insurgency v. the government?
How does local population perceive/ relate to local army, police versus the insurgency?
What is perception of the insurgent group’s ultimate objective/ goal? Tactics? Capabilities?
What narratives do the insurgent groups use to gain popular support?
What tactics of intimidation do insurgents use?
What about the insurgent appeals to different population groups?
What services do the insurgents provide that the local government/ interveners have been unable to deliver?
Are individuals joining the insurgency because they want the insurgent leader to return to power, or are they fighting for local reasons?
Are we facing an insurgency or a separatist movement?
Is there a correlation between perceptions of governance and support for the insurgency?
How/does the population perceive the differences between elements of the insurgency/ insurgent groups?
Does marginalizing local insurgency undermine other elements with broader regional aspirations (including AQ)?
When should the intervener leave?
How does the population interact as tribes?
Are conservative-rural tribes cultural and religious views represented within the current government?
Is the current fight perceived as against a particular tribe?
What is the importance of the drug trade to the population?
How does the government corruption impact the population and its relation to drug trade?
How will the population respond to the new intervention forces that are coming in?
How does the population respond to basic force maneuvering?
Are international forces viewed as an ‘Army of Liberation’ or ‘Army of Occupation’?
How much does corruption impact perceptions of local, provincial, and central governance?
How does government corruption impact the population?
How can we institute a sense of rule of law?
How can the central government more effectively dole out justice to be as swift as religious law?
How does the population accept and see governance?
What is the population’s historical response to governance, not being governed, and warlordism?
How do allegations of fraud associated with the recent election impact confidence in the government and the interveners?
How does population accept/ see governance? What is historic response to governance?
What are components of “political legitimacy” for the local population?
What is popular perception of effectiveness/ intent of local/ national governing officials?
What is perception v. reality of institutional capacity?
How would the population design their rule of law apparatus if given the opportunity? (How does the population define rule of law and justice?)
How would the population design their local, district, provincial and national government if given the opportunity?
Do leaders of social networks want central government delivered security, rule of law, taxation, and oversight of their activities?
Does the population want central government delivered security, rule of law, taxation, and oversight of their activities?
Are people scared to vote in elections?
What efforts have historically been successful on a district level?
What kind of development do people prefer on a district level?
How can jobs be created?
What projects should be financed?
What is the status of the infrastructure including banking and finance?
What would be the accepted (active) role of the government in business development?
How do people (at district; group-level) define “security”?
What is the relationship between a physical security, level of insurgency support and the degree of development in an area?
What is the relationship between a physical security, level of insurgency support and the degree of development in an area?
Will massing resources in “model areas” to provide a demonstration effect be more effective in engaging the population than diffusing resources around the region?
What is the relationship between interveners' kinetic operations in the country and stability in neighboring countries?
What are the regional dynamics that will affect the security and development future of the region?
How is the population informed?
How do they like to be informed?
How does the population respond to strategic communication?
What are basic ethnographic factors by district?
What are the primary narratives?
How do the people define “progress” or “improved quality of life”?
What are the preferences of people on a district level?
What part of the population is disaffected and why? What is the percentage?
What is the popular perception of coalition intent and level of commitment?
Why have young men been forced to leave the country to look for work?
Why might children throw rocks at soldiers?
How can we visualize/layer data from geography through population dynamics?
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