Page Last Updated:
EDT, © 2001,
2002, 2005, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2014. 2015, 2016, 2018, 2019,
2020, 2021

Dr. Dean S. Hartley III
This page provides access to the description of 74 projects. There are four
different ways of accessing the project descriptions: keyword shortcuts, a
visual map, a list of projects by clients, and a list of projects by contractual
The keyword shortcuts are the same shortcuts provided on the Hartley
Consulting home page. The shortcuts are listed down the left side of the
page and contain important topics that are found in operations research
projects. The keywords are grouped into four categories: operations
research / management science (ORMS) techniques, computer issues, military
issues, and other keywords. Each keyword leads to a page containing links
to all of the projects that involve that particular keyword.
The visual map provides indications about the general relationships of the
projects. Each of the colored boxes represents a project (or, in one case,
a web page within the project). These boxes have hot spots that provide a
direct link to the web page. Closely related projects are near each other in the
map. In addition, a color code allows for the identification of the topic
content of the project.
- The rose color indicates projects related to warfare.
- The blue color indicates projects related to non-warfare military
- The green color indicates projects related to verification and
- The yellow color indicates psyhopharmacology projects.
- The magenta color indicates industrial projects.
- The purple color indicates projects involving topology.
- The pink/tan color indicates website construction.
As the map below shows,
some of the pages are extensively cross-connected. The map is
provided to reduce the impact of the complexity. When you mouse over the pages
(rectangles) in the figure below, you will see the ones that
permit direct links to the named pages. This page is the
"Projects" page and, naturally, doesn't need a link.
The client list, below the map, provides the dates and names of projects for
each client, with direct links to the appropriate web page. All of the
projects are contained in this list.
The contractual partners list, at the bottom of the page, provides the dates
and names of those projects that were either supported by a company acting as a
subcontractor to my organization or for whom I worked as a subcontractor on the
project. Only some of the projects are on this list.
More than forty projects are described briefly on this page.
More than thirty of these are linked to more extensive descriptions
(the boxes that are connected directly to "Projects" in
the map). The page describing the requirements for analytical
tools to support Operations Other Than War (OOTW) provides the
link to several other pages, which provide a partial description
of the actual project results.

Figure 1. Sitemap
Keyword Shortcuts
Client List
Joint Staff:
Studies, Analysis and Gaming Agency (SAGA):
Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD):
OSD Net Assessment:
OASD Special Operations / Low Intensity Conflict
Program Analysis & Evaluation (PA&E):
Defense Modeling and Simulation Office (DMSO):
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA):
National Defense University (NDU):
US Pacific Command (USPACOM):
US PACOM Analysis:
US Forces Japan:
US Southern Command (USSOUTHCOM):
US Air Force:
Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL):
US Army:
Training and Doctrine Analysis Center
Future Battle Lab:
Army Reuse Center (ARC):
US Army Medical Research and Material Command (MRMC)
Telemedicine and Advanced Technology Research Center (TATRC):
Battle Command Simulation &
Experimentation (BCSE); G3/5/7:
CERDEC Intelligence and Information Warfare (I2WD):
US Navy:
NAVAIR Systems Command:
Naval Research Lab:
US Joint Task Force 6 (JTF-6):
JTF-6 Operation Alliance component:
Combined Forces Command Korea:
CFCK Analysis:
NATO SAS-026 Panel:
Department of Energy (DOE):
Oak Ridge National Laboratory:
Y-12 Plant:
Department of Justice (DOJ):
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI):
Department of the Treasury:
US Coast Guard:
Non-Profit Organizations:
University of Georgia Math Department:
International Psychopharmacology Algorithm Project
Milliken & Co.:
Deering Milliken Research Corp:
Milliken Electronics:
Milliken & Co. polyester yarn:
Milliken & Co. weaving:
Milliken & Co. Industrial Fabrics:
Milliken & Co. Fashion Fabrics:
Milliken & Co. Carpets:
Rather Creative Innovations Group (RCIG):
Sisyphus Energy, Inc. (SEI):
Internal Research & Development:
Contractual Partners Project List
Contractual partners were either subcontractors to my organization or
I worked as a subcontractor for the partner.
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