Page Last Updated: Friday, 06 July 2018 11:38 EDT, © 2002, 2008, 2011, 2012, 2016, 2018

Complex Operational and Organizational Problems

Topic: Warfare Modeling

Dr. Dean S. Hartley III

Warfare modeling includes both combat modeling and modeling for which combat modeling is a required adjunct, but not the main thrust.

Select one of the links below.

Year Client Project
1973 SAGA Convert combat models from IBM to Honeywell.
1973 SAGA Define documentation standards for combat models.
1975 SAGA Perform IV&V of the Tac Contender model.
1986 J8 Support the Modern Aids to Planning Program (MAPP).
1987 JAD Create an expert system for Air Task Order (ATO) generation, with a topology of aircraft missions.
1988 JAD Validate attrition algorithms using historical data.
1989 TRAC Define a combined model database.
1989 TRAC Perform IV&V of the Simulator Network for Training (SIMNET-T).
1990 Future Battle Lab Evaluate the use of SIMNET in WAREX 3-90.
1990 OSD Net Assessment Create a model of combat effectiveness.
1991 CFCK Analysis Build the Korean Battle Simulation Center (BSC).
1993 J8 Perform IV&V of the Future Theater Level Model (FTLM) conceptual model.
1995 US PACOM analysis Define a conceptual model of psycho-social responses.
1997 OASD - SO/LIC Create a methodology to simulate the impacts of events in OOTWs.
1998 OSD PA&E Define the JWARS support for OOTW.
1999 NATO SAS-026 Panel Create a NATO Code of Best Practice for Command and Control Assessment.
2001 Defense Modeling and Simulation Office (DMSO) Specify the architecture and create an OOTW Toolbox.
2003 Hartley Consulting Create the Interim Semi-static Stability Model (ISSM).
2004 MORS Support running a workshop on GWOT.
2005 Battle Command Simulation & Experimentation (BSCE); G3/5/7 Create a Battle Command Modeling & Simulation Science & Technology rank-ordered list.
2007 Defense Advanced Research Projects Office (DARPA) Create a VV&A methodology for the COMPOEX system.
2010 TRAC Create an IW metric ontology.
2011 Hartley Consulting Improve the IW metric ontology to a total ontology.
2011 US SOUTHCOM Training Perform validation on the DEXES-II conceptual model.
2012 Air Force Research Laboratory Support the GLENS project development.
2012 TRAC Create a the IW metric ontology 2 from the total ontology.
2013 Hartley Consulting Create a model metadata ontology.
2014 Hartley Consulting Create an IW ontology GUI for the IW metric ontology 2.
2017 Hartley Consulting Extend the IW ontology to Unconventional Conflict and then to Modern Conflict.

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Solving Complex Operational and Organizational Problems
Dr. Dean S. Hartley III, Principal