The tasks that were identified as needing analytical support
have been grouped into seven stages. The stages are defined as,
"non-mission-related," "mission definition and
analysis," "C3I,"
"mobilization/deployment," "force
employment," "sustainment," and
"redeployment," are retained. The C3I tasks take place
throughout the mission and, consequently, are grouped together.
Tasks not requiring analytical support or that are currently
sufficiently supported analytically are omitted. Associated
elements from the UJTL are shown for each task. The
"SN," "ST" and "OP" of the UJTL numbers identifies the tasks as
strategic national, strategic theater or operational,
respectively. Italicized entries are additions proposed in this
document to meet the needs of OOTWs.
This stage includes activities that are conducted at the
National Command Authority (NCA), at the Services and at the CINC
level. This stage consists of non-mission-related analyses
relating to OOTWs, such as maintaining a watch for potential
crises and determining what forces the United States requires to
accomplish the national strategy.
- Provide instability forecast, impact forecast
(psycho-social), task # 1.1: Forecast the regions of
potential instability, the predicted dates, the related
probabilities, and the nature of the instabilities.
Forecast the impact of various actions, both those
intended to be remedial and otherwise.
- SN 5.1.4 Monitor worldwide strategic situation
- SN 5.2 Reassess worldwide and regional strategic
- ST Produce instability forecast for
theater area of interest
- ST Produce impact forecast for
proposed plans
- ST Provide theater strategic indications
and warnings
- OP Develop indications and warnings
- Estimate cost of operations, task # 1.2: Estimate
the cost of operations, including both direct and
indirect costs.
- SN 1.1 Determine transportation infrastructure
and resources
- SN 4 Provide sustainment
- SN 5.3 Determine national military strategic
- SN 7 Conduct force development
- ST Estimate cost of mission
This stage includes activities that are conducted at the
National Command Authority (NCA) and the CINC level in deciding
whether a mission should be undertaken and in preparing for a
mission. This stage also includes non-mission-related analyses
relating to OOTWs, such as maintaining a watch for potential
- Develop mission, MOEs, etc., task # 2.1: Develop
the proposed mission and its elements and the MOEs
necessary for evaluating the progress of the mission.
- ST Identify firm mission elements and
elements in flux
- OP Develop mission
- OP Develop MOEs for mission
- Determine ROEs, task # 2.2: Determine the
appropriate ROEs for the proposed mission and its
elements under various potential situations.
- ST 5.4.1 Issue theater strategic operations
plans, orders and ROE
- OP 5.4.3 Provide rules of engagement
- Define end-state, transition criteria, task # 2.3:
Define the mission end-state and the nature of the
transition to be carried out at mission end. Define the
criteria for the elements of the transition.
- ST Identify transition criteria
- OP 5.3.3 Determine operational end state
- OP 5.5.5 Establish command transition criteria
and procedures
- Determine force structure, heavy vs light forces,
weapons mix, CS and CSS elements, task # 2.4:
Determine the appropriate force structure for the
mission. This force includes forces needed to open and
maintain LOCs, as well as the employment force.
- ST Determine force structure, heavy vs
light forces, weapons mix
- Determine force mix, task # 2.5: Determine the mix
of active and reserve forces required to accomplish the
mission, the service mix (including Coast Guard), the
coalition forces mix based on task allocations. The
decisions of this task are also conditioned on the range
of expected contributions by civilian organizations,
including NGO/PVOs.
- ST Determine active/reserve mix to
meet force requirements, to include tailoring
- Estimate readiness, task # 2.6: Estimate the
readiness of U.S. military forces, U.S. agency elements,
and coalition elements to perform the mission.
- ST 7.2.1 Maintain and report force readiness
- OP Estimate readiness
- Evaluate risks and do 'worst case' analysis/gaming,
task # 2.7: Evaluate the risks of mission failure, both
as to failure modes and severity. Perform analysis/gaming
to identify worst case results.
- ST Evaluate risks and 'worst case'
- Estimate robustness of mission success to changes in
assumptions, task # 2.8: Estimate the probabilities
of mission success associated with likely geo-political
and operational events, conditioned on the major
alternatives in the scenario/situation.
- ST Estimate probability of mission
- OP Estimate probability of success
This stage consists of activities that cross several or all
stages. In addition to the command, control, communications, and
intelligence activities of C3I, the coordination and information
(gathering, maintaining and dissemination) activities are
- Create command arrangements, span of control, task
# 3.1: Define the relationships among the military,
government agencies, coalition forces, and NGOs/PVOs.
- ST Augment the joint force staff
- ST Activate theater boards, committees
and cells
- OP Establish command arrangements and
span of control
- Develop COAs, task # 3.2: Develop courses of
action. COAs are prepared at all levels and for all
phases of a mission, from mission definition through
analysis of redeployment alternatives.
- OP 5.3.4 Develop courses of action/prepare staff
- Perform staff estimates, task # 3.3: Prepare staff
- OP 5.3.4 Develop courses of action/prepare staff
- Evaluate COAs, task # 3.4: Analyze and compare
courses of action.
- OP 5.3.5 Analyze courses of action
- OP 5.3.6 Compare courses of action
- OP 5.3.7 Select or modify course of action
- Maintain MOEs, including probability of mission
success and end-state status, task # 3.5: Maintain
current values for each of the mission MOEs on the
appropriate periodic basis, whether daily, weekly, or
- OP Maintain up-to-date values for
MOEs, probability of success and end-state status
- Monitor situation and provide feedback, task #
3.6: Monitor the situation and provide feedback to all
necessary parties.
- ST 5.1.1 Communicate strategic and operational
decisions and information
- ST 5.2.1 Review current situation
- OP 5.1.1 Communicate operational information
- OP 5.2.1 Review current situation (project
- Activate JTF, task # 3.7: Define the needed
structure for the JTF and activate it.
- OP 5.5 Establish a joint task force
- Establish liaisons/CMOC, task # 3.8: Establish the
CMOC. Establish liaisons with government agencies and
- ST 8.2.10 Coordinate multinational operations
within area of responsibility (AOR)
- ST 8.2.11 Cooperate with and support
nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) in AOR
- ST 8.2.12 Cooperate with and support private
voluntary organizations (PVOs) in AOR
- OP 4.7.2 Coordinate and provide civil-military
operations (CMO) support in theater of
operations/joint operations area (JOA)
- OP 5.5.2 Develop joint force liaison structure
- Design, install communications, task # 3.9: Design
and install the communications systems, including
non-standard communications with other government
agencies, coalition forces, host government, and
- ST 5.1 Operate and manage communications and
information systems
- OP 5.1 Acquire and communicate operational level
- Perform intelligence collection and ISR, task #
3.10: Define Intelligence, Surveillance and
Reconnaissance (ISR) needs and collect information and
intelligence to support the mission, including
information concerning threat, friendly and neutral
elements and environmental information. Plan for ISR
dissemination to a variety of non-DOD recipients.
- ST 2.1 Plan and direct theater strategic
intelligence activities [add emphasis on
political and social situations, animosities,
- ST 2.2 Collect theater strategic information
- OP 2.1 Determine and direct operational
intelligence activities
- OP 2.2 Collect operational information
- Establish cultural awareness, task # 3.11:
Establish and maintain awareness of significant cultural
- OP Establish cultural awareness
- Establish red teams, task # 3.12: Establish teams
to think as opposition forces, providing realistic
opposing courses of action.
- OP Develop enemy operational intentions
- Perform METT-T analysis, task # 3.13: Perform
complete Mission, Enemy, Troops, Terrain/Weather and Time
Available (METT-T) analysis. The term "enemy"
may refer to natural factors such as erupting volcanos
when appropriate. Troops may refer to non- military and
friendly non-U.S. personnel. The definition of
terrain/weather is extended to cover the general
environment, including the geopolitical situation.
- Identify centers of gravity, task # 3.14: Identify
locations at which minimal actions will produce maximal
results, both desirable and undesirable.
- OP Identify centers of gravity
- Estimate threat, task # 3.15: Estimate the nature
and severity of threats to mission success.
- ST Identify theater issues and threats
- ST Determine enemy's theater strategic
- OP Identify operational issues and
- OP Determine enemy's operational
capabilities and course of action
- Support media / public affairs, task # 3.16:
Provide media and public affairs support.
- ST 5.6 Provide public affairs in theater
- OP 5.8 Provide public affairs in theater of
- Execute PSYOPs, task # 3.17: Conduct psychological
activities (both benign and offensive) to induce desired
- ST Conduct theater psychological
- ST 5.5 Employ theater-wide command and control
warfare [PSYOPs]
- OP Employ PSYOP in theater of
These activities include the movement activities.
- Initiate appropriate reserve call-up, task # 4.1:
Determine what reserves are needed and request call-up
where appropriate. This task requires maintenance of
information on immediate availability of reserves and
availability of active service time.
- ST 7.1.1 Provide operations plans (OPLANs) for
mobilization and deployment planning and
- Determine deployment timing, task # 4.2: Determine
the sequence of arrival (at destination) by units
required to accomplish the mission and provide security.
- ST Determine deployment timing
- Determine deployment priorities, task # 4.3:
Determine deployment priorities (considering entire
transport chain to destination) to resolve bottlenecks.
- ST Determine deployment priorities
- Determine transport capabilities, task # 4.4:
Determine availabilities and capabilities of the
transport resources (both inter- and intra-theater)
needed to accomplish the mission, including any transport
needed for other agencies, coalition partners, and
- ST Determine transport capabilities
- Activate HAST, task # 4.5: Define and activate the
- Activate CMOC, task # 4.6: Determine a
suitable location and activate the CMOC.
- OP 4.7.2 Coordinate and provide CMO support in
theater of operations/JOA
This stage concerns the active use of the forces defined in
the previous stage. Note, however, that only analysis activities
are included. Standard employment activities are outside the
scope of this study.
- Establish LOCs, task # 5.1: Establish
the lines of communication (LOCs).
- ST Secure and protect theater air,
land and sea LOCs
- OP 6.5.4 Protect and secure air, land and sea
LOCs in theater of operations/JOA
- Protect forces, task # 5.2: Ensure
adequate protection of all forces, including other
agencies, coalition forces, and NGO/PVOs.
- OP 6.2 Provide protection for operational
forces, means and noncombatants
- Allocate and station forces, task # 5.3:
Determine optimal allocation and stationing of forces.
- OP 1.2.3 Concentrate forces in theater of
- Assess casualties and perform medical treatment
analyses, task # 5.4: Analyze casualty and
medical treatment data to support COA development and MOE
- Manage flow of casualties in theater of
- Manage health services resources in theater of
- Identify infrastructure improvement requirements,
task # 5.5: Identify infrastructure improvements needed
to conduct the mission and needed under the humanitarian
or nation assistance aspects of the mission.
- OP Identify infrastructure improvement
- Support humanitarian operations, task # 5.6:
Support all aspects of humanitarian operations as called
for in the mission.
- ST 8.2.2 Conduct civil affairs in theater
- ST 8.2.3 Coordinate disaster relief
- ST 8.2.4 Provide humanitarian assistance
- ST 8.2.5 Provide nation assistance support
- ST 8.2.6 Provide military civic action assistance
- ST 8.2.7 Assist in restoration of order
- OP Support humanitarian operations
- Evaluate potential use of force, task # 5.7:
Evaluate the need for force, whether lethal or
- ST 3.1.1 Select strategic targets in the theater
for attack
- OP 3.1.3 Develop operational targets
- OP 3.1.4 Prioritize high payoff targets
- Rehearse missions, task # 5.8: Provide for mission
- OP Conduct mission rehearsals
- Perform interdictions, raids, stings, infiltration,
etc., task # 5.9: Perform military contingency
operations in cooperation with government agencies, host
government, or coalition forces as appropriate.
- OP Conduct forcible entry: airborne,
amphibious and air assaults
- OP Conduct raids in JOA
- OP Conduct direct actions in JOA
- OP 1.4.2 Plan and execute quarantine/embargo
- OP 1.4.3 Plan and execute blockade
This stage includes the analysis activities required to
support the sustainment of the force.
- Balance tooth to tail ratio, task # 6.1: Maintain
the desirable ratio of combat, combat support, and combat
service support forces, given the needs of all parties in
the mission.
- ST Determine tooth to tail ratio
- OP Maintain tooth to tail ratio
- Perform logistics planning/resupply, task # 6.2:
Provide adequate logistics and supply for all mission
forces and to support humanitarian mission needs.
- ST 4.3.2 Provide supplies and services for
theater forces
- OP 4.5.2 Establish priorities and supply
operational forces
- Provide transport support, task # 6.3: Provide
transportation support for mission forces, including
appropriate NGOs/PVOs and media personnel.
- ST 4.3.1 Provide movement services within area of
responsibility (AOR)
- OP 4.5.1 Provide for movement services in theater
of operations/JOA
- Provide engineering support, task # 6.4: Provide
engineering support needed for mission accomplishment and
humanitarian and nation assistance elements of the
- ST 4.4.2 Provide civil-military engineering in
- OP 4.6.2 Provide civil-military engineering
- Provide medical support, task # 6.5: Provide
medical support to mission forces and to accomplish
humanitarian mission elements.
- ST 4.2.2 Provide heath services
- OP 4.4.3 Provide health services in theater of
- Provide joint/interagency/coalition support, task
# 6.6: Provide needed support to all parts of the mission
forces, as required.
- ST 8.2.1 Conduct security assistance activities
- ST 8.5 Coordinate and integrate regional
interagency activities
- OP 4.7.3 Provide support to DOD and other
government agencies
- OP 4.7.5 Coordinate politico-military support
- Provide indigenous/client/refugee support, task #
6.7: Provide support to ensure the safety of civilians.
This includes location tracking.
- ST 8.4.3 Support evacuation of noncombatants from
- OP 4.6.4 Provide law enforcement and prisoner
- OP Provide indigenous/client/refugee
This stage concentrates on mission completion or change.
- Determine priorities: effectiveness vs
availability/feasibility, task # 7.1: Determine
redeployment priorities, comparing effectiveness in
current and future tasks against the availability or
feasibility of alternative options. This includes
consideration for rotation of troops.
- ST Determine redeployment priorities:
effectiveness vs availability/ feasibility
- Reposition assets, task # 7.2: Reposition forces
and systems as needed.
- OP 1.1.2 Conduct intratheater deployment and
redeployment of forces within theater of
- Perform transition, task # 7.3: Plan and conduct
the transition of activities to follow-on forces or civil
- OP 4.7.4 Plan and transition to civil authorities
- Determine reconstitution requirements, task # 7.4:
Determine what retraining, etc., is needed to
reconstitute the forces.
- ST 4.2.3 Reconstitute theater forces
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