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Thursday, 16 March 2023 11:16 EDT, © 2023
The Books:
Warning: Beware! I was inspired by the Holy Spirit, but I’m human – so, I could have gotten things wrong.
I’m an Episcopalian, but more conservative than many in my denomination. That means that there is probably something here for everyone to disagree with.
I’m a one-time mathematician, scientist, and now author of science fiction novels. But I’m not a theologian or even a philosopher.
However, I believe these visions are worth your consideration. And like the prophets of old, I find I can’t keep my mouth shut!
Christian Visions: A Novel Perspective
We live our Christianity in myriad ways. Who are God’s ministers?
How does forgiveness work? What about sin, salvation, prayer, and miracles?
Christian visions illuminate these and other questions.

Available from
Christian Visions: Marriage and Other Risks
We live our Christianity in myriad ways. How is marriage
intertwined with Christianity? What about suffering, death, slavery, sports,
and war? Christian Visions illuminate these and other questions.
Dean S. Hartley III spent his career in the mathematical and scientific
world. He served in the military, worked in industry, a national
laboratory, and built his own company. When his wife became ill, he began
writing science fiction novels. Naturally, science fiction requires
scientific content; however, a novel must flesh out the lives of the
characters and that should require addressing their religious lives. Creating
the characters’ discussions and the sermons they heard meant that Hartley had
to explore his own thoughts, do some research, and ask for spiritual
inspiration. These Christian visions may help you in examining your own
faith. A portion of the results are now bound as Christian Visions: A
Novel Perspective.
To contact me, use my initials 'DS' lastname 'Hartley' the
number '3' and '' - make the subject line 'Science Fiction Books' or
something similar.
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