8. Communications Analysis

The tool that supports this requirement supports communications analysis. Analytic support for communications systems design and adaptation exists (e.g., the C3I-Network Analysis Model [C3I-NAM]), however, ease of use for planners could be improved. It needs to have an interoperability focus and include non-U.S. and non-military equipment. The tool requirements are provided by the OOTW analysis tasks that it must support.

· Design, install communications, task # 3.9: Design and install the communications systems, including non-standard communications with other government agencies, coalition forces, host government, and NGOs/PVOs.

This is a complex model/simulation. The priority is 3; modelability is rated as Yellow (Y); and the data availability is rated as Expensive ($). The recommended action is to start research on the tool.

The table below will be updated as information is posted on the bulletin board for each requirement.

Table 8. Communications Analysis Tools

ID Tasks Addressed

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