4. Force Planning: Designing Forces

The tools that support this requirement support the design of primary and secondary forces for use in OOTWs, where the primary forces may consist of forces that belong in the secondary category in combat operations. These forces include U.S. non-military and non-U.S. elements.

Elements include:

Considerations include:

There is a high priority need for tools to:

The analysis tools must tie to the infrastructure evaluation, physical disaster effects models, and engineering density predictions of situation awareness. They must also be based on indigenous/client/refugee support needs from situation awareness. The tool requirements are provided by the OOTW analysis tasks that they must support.

· Determine force structure, heavy vs light forces, weapons mix, task # 2.4: Determine the appropriate force structure for the mission. This force includes forces needed to open and maintain Lines of Comunication (LOCs), as well as the employment force.

· Determine active/reserve mix to meet force requirements, to include tailoring, task # 2.5: Determine the mix of active and reserve forces required to accomplish the mission, the service mix (including Coast Guard), the coalition forces mix based on task allocations. The decisions of this task are also conditioned on the range of expected contributions by civilian organizations, including NGO/PVOs.

· Support media/public affairs, task # 3.16: Provide media and public affairs support.

· Identify infrastructure improvement requirements, task # 5.5: Identify infrastructure improvements needed to conduct the mission and needed under the humanitarian or nation building aspects of the mission.

· Support humanitarian operations, task # 5.6: Support all aspects of humanitarian operations as called for in the mission.

· Perform interdictions, raids, stings, infiltration, task # 5.9: Perform military contingency operations in cooperation with government agencies, host government, or coalition forces as appropriate.

· Balance tooth to tail ratio, task # 6.1: Maintain the desirable ratio of combat, combat support, and combat service support forces, given the needs of all parties in the mission.

· Provide engineering support, task # 6.4: Provide engineering support needed for mission accomplishment and humanitarian and nation building elements of the mission.

· Provide medical support, task # 6.5: Provide medical support to mission forces and to accomplish humanitarian mission elements.

· Provide joint/interagency/coalition support, task # 6.6: Provide needed support to all parts of the mission forces, as required.

· Provide indigenous/client/refugee support, task # 6.7: Provide support to ensure the safety of civilians. This includes location tracking.

· Determine priorities: effectiveness vs availability/feasibility, task # 7.1: Determine redeployment priorities, comparing effectiveness in current and future tasks against the availability or feasibility of alternative options. This includes consideration for rotation of troops.

· Determine reconstitution requirements, task # 7.4: Determine what retraining, etc., is needed to reconstitute the forces.

These are decision support tools, with graphical user interface (GUI), and must be tied closely to current large databases. The CAPS and FAST-OR tools are candidates for enhancement. The priority is 1; modelability is rated as Yellow (Y)-Red (R); and the data availability is rated as Expensive ($)-Very Hard (V). The recommended action is to create the tools now.

The table below will be updated as information is posted on the bulletin board for each requirement.

Table 4. Force Planning: Design Forces Tools

ID Tasks Addressed
2.4 2.5 3.16 5.5 5.6 5.9 6.1 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 7.1 7.4
CAPS y y y       y            

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