"Prologue to Warfare in a Cyber World Tutorial," MORS 2020 Modeling Complex Warfare Online Workshop, March 24, 2020 (co-author). The link connects to a recording of the three hour plenary tutorial.
"Operations Research," Wofford College Mathematics Colloquium, October 21, 2019, Spartanburg, SC.
"Intentional Conflict in the Noosphere," in the MORS Emerging Techniques Forum, December 4 - 5, 2018, Alexandria, VA (co-author).
"How To Integrate It?" in The Power of Synergy Space Symposium, October 23 - 25, 2018, Oak Ridge, TN.
"Overall Symposium Summary Findings and Recommendations," in The Power of Synergy Space Symposium, October 23 - 25, 2018, Oak Ridge, TN.
"Exploring Ontologies and Modern Conflict," in the MORS Emerging Techniques Forum, December 5 - 6, 2017, Alexandria, VA.
"Essentials of Energy Storage," in Proceedings of the Seventh Annual Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Math & Education Conference, June 8 - 10 2017, Hawaii University International Conferences (co-author).
"Efficient Grid-Scale Energy Storage," in The Technical Society of Knoxville meeting, July 11, 2016, Knoxville, TN (co-author).
"Local Energy Storage as Part of Homeland Security," in INFORMS International Conference, June 12-15, 2016, Hilton Waikoloa Village, HI (co-author).
"Essentials of Energy Storage," in INFORMS International Conference, June 12-15, 2016, Hilton Waikoloa Village, HI (co-author).
"Engineering an Irregular Warfare (IW) Model," in Hawaii University International Conferences (HUIC) Education STEM Conference, June 16-18, 2014, Honolulu, HI.
"Operational Environment Ontologies to Support Irregular Warfare Analysis," MORS Symposium, June 2013, Alexandria, VA (Co-Author).
"Using Ontologies in Conceptual Model Validation," 2012 Hawaii University International Conferences, July 31-Aug 2, 2012, Honolulu, HI.
"Creating the foundations for modeling irregular warfare," AHFE International Meeting (2nd International Conference on Cross-Cultural Decision Making: Focus 2012), July 2012, San Francisco, CA (Co-Author).
“IW Metric Ontologies," INFORMS national Meeting, Nov 2011, Charlotte, NC (co-author).
“LOEs and the TRAC IW Metric Ontology," MORS Symposium, June 2011, Monterey, CA (co-author).
“Developing Human Social Cultural and Behavioral (HSCB) Ontologies to Support Simulations," Simulation Interoperability Workshop 2011, April 2011, Orlando, FL (co-author).
“Irregular Warfare (IW) Metrics Ontology," HSCB Focus 2011, February 2011, Washington, DC (co-author).
“Comparing Validation Results for Two DIME/PMESII Models: Understanding Coverage Profiles,” Winter Simulation Conference, December 2010, Baltimore, MD.
"Operations Research," University of Georgia Mathematics Colloquium, April 21, 2009, Athens, GA.
"Using Cultural Information to Model DIME/PMESII Effects," NDU Workshop on HSCB Modeling, June 2008, Washington, DC (co-author).
"The DIME/PMESII Model VV&A Tool," NDU Workshop on HSCB Modeling, June 2008, Washington, DC.
"Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Treatment Algorithm," INFORMS National Meeting 2006, Pittsburgh, PA.
ISSM v3.00 3-Day Training Course. EUCOM, Stuttgart, Germany.
"Integrated Analysis Tools: Military Operations Other Than War," 73rd Military Operations Research Society Symposium, 2005.
"Semi-Static Modeling of OOTWs: Interim Semi-static Stability Model (ISSM)," IFORS, Hawaii, 2005.
"Global War on Terrorism (GWOT) WG-3 Outbrief," MORS GWOT Minisymposium, Naval War College, Newport, RI.
"Military Operations Other Than War," MORS GWOT Minisymposium, Naval War College, Newport, RI.
"Modeling Stability in Geopolitical States," 2004 Hawaii Conference on Statistics Mathematics and Related Fields.
"Military Operations Other Than War: A Toolbox for Warriors," 72nd Military Operations Research Society Symposium.
"Military Operations Other Than War," 72nd Military Operations Research Society Symposium.
"Operations Other Than War: FAST for the Warfighter," Joint CORS/INFORMS Meeting 2004, Banff, Canada.
"Interim Static Stability Model," INFORMS Annual Meeting 2003, Atlanta.
"NATO COBP for C2 Assessment," San Jose INFORMS Meeting.
"Simulating Without Data," 5th National MAS Meeting (5MAS).
"OOTW Toolbox," Miami INFORMS Meeting.
"Asymmetric Conflict Analysis," Miami INFORMS Meeting.
"Predicting Combat Effects," RAHMORS Meeting 2/28/02.
"The Good, the Bad & the Ugly of Electronic Collaboration," 4th National MAS Meeting (4MAS).
"OOTW Impact Analysis," 4th National MAS Meeting (4MAS).
"Designing an OOTW Impact Analysis Tool," Joint Australia-USPACOM Workshop.
"Fuzzy Process," NATO Panel SAS-026 on Code of Best Practices for Analyzing Command and Control.
"Designing an OOTW Impact Analysis Tool," 2000 International
Symposium on Military Operations Research (ISMOR), United Kingdom.
"Presenting Psychopharmacology Algorithms," IPAP Conference, Beijing, China.
"Committee IV: Information and Technology," IPAP Conference, Beijing, China.
"OOTW and JWARS," MORS Symposium.
"Developing Psychopharmacology Algorithms," National Meeting of INFORMS, Oct 1997, Dallas, TX.
"US Developments in Analysis Support to Operations Other Than War," Fourteenth International Symposium on Military Operations Research (ISMOR), Royal Military College of Science, Shrivenham, Wiltshire, United Kingdom, Sep 1997 (co-author Cyrus J. Staniec).
"Deterministic vs Stochastic Models: A 65th MORSS Tutorial," 65th MORS Symposium, Jun 1997, Quantico, VA.
"OOTW and JWARS," National Defense University Peacekeeping Workshop.
"OOTW Analysis Requirements, New Developments" J-8 OSD/PA&E OOTW Meeting at Tysons Corners, VA.
"OOTW Analysis Requirements, New Developments" INFORMS National Meeting.
"OOTW Analysis Requirements, New Developments" MORS Symposium.
"OOTW Analysis Requirements," MORS Symposium.
"Limits of Liability Study Research Results," presented to U.S. Department of Transportation, Jun 12, 1996 (co-author Barbara Beckerman).
"Verification, Validation, and Accreditation in DIS," DPMA Synthetic Environments Conference.
"Appropriate Crew Size," INFORMS National Meeting.
"Modeling Safety," INFORMS National Meeting.
"Update on IV&V of a Conceptual Theater Level Model," National Meeting of the Operations Research Society of America (ORSA) and The Institute of Management Science (TIMS).
"An Existence Proof for Systems Reuse," Software Technology Conference '95.
"Verification, Validation, and Accreditation in DIS," DPMA Synthetic Environments Conference.
"Modeling Psycho-Social Attributes in Conflict," AMORS III Conference, Bangkok.
"Measuring Expected Performance of Conceptual Models," Performance Measurement Symposium.
"IV&V: Philosophical and Practical Points," US Army Concepts Analysis Agency Seminar.
"Appropriate Crew Size: Safe Navigation and Manning," Fall INFORMS National Meeting (with Cathy Snyder).
"Modeling Safe Navigation and Manning," Fall INFORMS National Meeting (with Cathy Snyder).
"Tactical Command Posts: History and Early Oak Ridge Involvement," Fall INFORMS National Meeting (with Richard Bell, Paul Lane, Joe Trien, Steve Packard).
"Relocatable Command Posts," Fall INFORMS National Meeting (with Richard Bell, Paul Lane, Joe Trien, Steve Packard).
"Command Vehicles," Fall INFORMS National Meeting (with Richard Bell, Paul Lane, Joe Trien, Steve Packard).
"Modeling Psycho-Social Attributes in Conflict, Extended," 1995 Winter Simulation Conference.
"Verification, Validation & Certification," INFORMS National Meeting, (co-author Howard Whitley).
"Weapons of Mass Destruction: Oak Ridge Approach," Weapons of Mass Destruction Process Action Team Meeting, Ft Benning, GA.
"Statistical Inference, Messy Data & Historical Combat," Naval Postgraduate School invited presentation.
"A Methodology for IV&V of a Combat Model Concept," High Performance Computing Conference '94.
"Oak Ridge Perspective on Curriculum Needs for OR Practitioners," MORS Colloquium on Education.
"Empirical Prediction of Victory in Combat," ORSA/TIMS meeting.
"An Independent Verification and Validation of the Future Theater Level Model Conceptual Model," MORS Symposium.
"Oak Ridge Perspective on Curriculum Needs for OR Practitioners," MORS Symposium.
"Verification, Validation, and Accreditation in Distributed Interactive Simulation," TMSA Conference on Synthetic Environments.
"IV&V of a Conceptual Theater Level Model," ORSA/TIMS meeting.
"Mapping Aircraft Attributes Onto Mission Profiles Using Fuzzy Classification," MORS Symposium.
"Forecasting Relative Combat Effectiveness: A Feasibility Study," International Forum of Operations Research Societies (IFORS), Lisbon, Portugal.
"Empirical VV&A of Confederations of Simulations," Defense Modeling and Simulation Office (DMSO) VV&A Committee.
"Verification, Validation, & Accreditation: Three Operations Research Views," Redstone Arsenal-Huntsville Military Operations Research Section (RAHMORS).
"Historical Data on Soft Factors and Attrition of Combat Systems," ORSA/TIMS meeting.
"Structure for Model Integration," ORSA/TIMS meeting.
"Mathematical Model of Attrition Data," ORSA/TIMS meeting.
"Mobilization, Deployment, Sustainment & Readiness," Panel, ORSA/TIMS meeting.
"Historical Soft Factors," MORS Symposium.
"Soft Factors for Duration, Advance Rate and Surprise," ORSA/TIMS meeting.
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CONSULTING Solving Complex Operational and Organizational Problems Dr. Dean S. Hartley III, Principal |