The Power of Synergy Space Symposium Summary Final Report. RCIG, Inc., Oak Ridge, TN. (co-author)
The Power of Synergy Space Symposium Program. RCIG, Inc., Oak Ridge, TN. (co-author)
Grid Scale Energy Storage: Using Superconducting Magnetic Levitation. Sisyphus Energy, Inc., Oak Ridge, TN.
Irregular Warfare (IW) Ontology Final Report. BMA, Leavenworth, KS. (lead author)
Validation Process for the DEXES II Conceptual Model. Hartley Consulting, Oak Ridge, TN.
Irregular Warfare (IW) Metrics Ontology Final Report. Dynamics Research Corporation, Orlando, FL. (lead author)
I2WD HSCB Testbed: 2009 V&V Strategy & Plan. Hartley Consulting, Oak Ridge, TN.
DIME/PMESII Modeling, Hartley Consulting, Oak Ridge, TN.
Verification, Validation, and Accreditation (VV&A), Evidence Based Research.
Operations Other Than War (OOTW): Flexible Asymmetric Simulation Technologies (FAST) Prototype Toolbox: Analysis Process, Dynamics Research Corporation.
Military Operations Other Than War (MOOTW): Flexible Asymmetric Simulation Technologies (FAST) Prototype Toolbox: FY05 Validation Strategy & Plan, Dynamics Research Corporation.
Military Operations Other Than War (MOOTW): Flexible Asymmetric Simulation Technologies (FAST) Prototype Toolbox: FY04 Validation Strategy & Plan, E-9120U, Dynamics Research Corporation.
"MORS Workshop: The Global War on Terrorism: Analytic Support, Tools and Metrics of Assessment," Phalanx, Vol 38, No 1, March 2005.
Successful Design, Development, and Integration of UA: Initial Findings from the Commonality Pathfinder Project. Oak Ridge National Laboratory (numerous co-authors).
Costs of Lack of Commonality: Initial Findings from the Commonality Pathfinder Project. Oak Ridge National Laboratory (numerous co-authors).
FAST Flexible Asymmetric Simulation Technologies, Dynamics Research Corporation.
"Modeling Stability in Geopolitical States," Proceedings of the 2004 Hawaii Conference on Statistics Mathematics and Related Fields.
Flexible Asymmetric Simulation Technologies (FAST) for the Warfighter: Test Strategy and Plan (Revision 2), E-7058U, Dynamics Research Corporation.
Flexible Asymmetric Simulation Technologies (FAST) for the Warfighter: Test Strategy and Plan (Revision 1), E-6508U, Dynamics Research Corporation.
Flexible Asymmetric Simulation Technologies (FAST) for the Warfighter: Beta-1 Build Test Report, E-5574U, Dynamics Research Corporation.
Flexible Asymmetric Simulation Technologies (FAST) for the Warfighter: Alpha Test Addendum, E-7058U, Dynamics Research Corporation.
Flexible Asymmetric Simulation Technologies (FAST): Alpha Build Test Report, (DSH-0335) E-5142, Dynamics Research Corporation.
OOTW Toolbox Test Strategy, DSH-0334.
OOTW Toolbox Specification, DSH-0324.
OOTW Toolbox, DSH-0320.
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Criminal Justice Information Services (CJIS) Division Staffing Study, Final Report, Y/ACT-3176, (numerous co-authors).
JVAC Architecture: Phase II, Y/ACT-3170, (co-author Steve Payne).
JVAC Architecture: Phase I, Y/ACT-3149, (co-authors Mike Borgsmiller, Curtis Light, and Steve Payne).
Designing an OOTW Impact Analysis Tool, Y/DSRD-3148.
PACOM Instability Indicators Workshop, Y/DSRD-3134 (editor).
Keynote Address "OOTW Tools: Measuring Effectiveness and Success," Defining and Measuring Success in the New Strategic Environment, Proceedings of a workshop organized by Technical Panel JSA-TP-3 of The Technical Cooperation Program (TTCP).
Proposal for USFJ CAT-D, Y/DSRD-3119.
OOTW Force Design Workshop Proceedings, Y/DSRD-3124, (co-editor/-author Richard Bell) [external link].
OOTW Force Design Tools, Y/DSRD-3117, (co-authors Richard Bell and Steve Packard).
OOTW Cost Tools, Y/DSRD-3099, (co-author Steve Packard).
Data Acquisition Instruments: Psychopharmacology, K/DSRD-1097
OOTW Tool Requirements in Relation to JWARS, K/DSRD-3076, (co-author Steve Packard) [external link].
ORNL Waste Management and Remedial Action Division (WMRAD) Command Media Requirement Units (CMRU) Database Quality Assurance Plan, K/DSRD-3063, (co-author K. A. Stewart).
ORNL Waste Management and Remedial Action Division (WMRAD) Command Media Requirement Units (CMRU) Database Configuration Management Plan, K/DSRD-3064, (co-authors J. E. Purser and K. A. Stewart).
Requirements for OOTW Analysis Tools, K/DSRD-3026.
Operations Other Than War: Requirements for Analysis Tools Research Report, K/DSRD-2098 [external link].
Report on Medical Casualties.
Vessel Traffic Services: The LOPOS System Demonstration, K/DSRD-2081.
"Measuring Expected Performance of Conceptual Models," Performance Measurement Symposium, Paul Haas, Cathy Snyder and Rob Schriver, editors.
Appropriate Crew Size: An Oil Pollution Act of 1990 Study on Safe Navigation and Manning, K/DSRD-1652, (co-authors Cathrine Snyder, B. Beckerman, J. K. Bryson, V. Turley).
Army Reuse Center Business Development Strategy, K/DSRD-1847, (co-authors Jim Treadwell, P. Anderson, H. Samadani).
OPA 90 Studies on Adequacy of Tanker Navigation Equipment, Systems, and Procedures, K/DSRD-1648, (co-authors Cathrine Snyder, B. Beckerman, J. K. Bryson, V. Turley, J. Cece).
Appropriate Crew Size: An Oil Pollution Act of 1990 Study on Safe Navigation and Manning, K/DSRD-1652/R1, (co-authors Cathrine Snyder, B. Beckerman, J. K. Bryson, V. Turley).
OPA 90 Studies on Adequacy of Tanker Navigation Equipment, Systems, and Procedures, K/DSRD-1648/R1, (co-authors Cathrine Snyder, B. Beckerman, J. K. Bryson, V. Turley, J. Cece).
"Measuring Expected Performance of Conceptual Models," Proceedings of the Performance Measurement Symposium.
Research Report on the Oil Pollution Act of 1990: Limits of Liability for Transportation-Related Onshore Facilities, K/DSRD-2069, (co-authors B. Beckerman, J. K. Bryson, M. K. Golshani, J. R. Gray, B. I. Henson, S. D. Rose, V. Turley).
Proposed ARC Reinvention Implementation, Guide to Reimbursable Operation, K/DSRD-1689, (co-authors Jim Treadwell, Wayne Hyder).
Human-Computer Interface: Reusable Graphical Component Generic Architecture, K/DSRD-1742, (co-author Jack Rothrock).
Army Reuse Center FY 94 Library Metrics, K/DSRD-1785.
Proposed Army Software Library Strategy, K/DSRD-1757.
Systematic Reuse Status Report, K/DSRD-1756, (co-authors Claudia Rohardt, Maria Stropky).
An Independent Verification and Validation of the Future Theater Level Model Conceptual Model, K/DSRD-1637, (co-authors Kara Kruse, John Martellaro, Stephen Packard, Benjamin Thomas, Victoria Turley).
Document Processing Subsystem (DPS) Data Collection and Analysis Report, K/DSRD-1118, (co-authors Cathrine Snyder).
Operation Alliance Functional Management Assessment Phase I, Recommendations, K/DSRD-1147, (co-authors Rick Draves, Lil Clinard).
Operation Alliance Functional Management Assessment Phase II, Implementation Strategy, K/DSRD-1395, (co-authors Rick Draves, Lil Clinard).
Proposed JTF-6 Concept of Operations, K/DSRD-1396.
Document Processing Subsystem (DPS) Project Management Plan, K/DSRD-1019, (co-authors Cathrine Snyder).
Battle Simulation Center Technical Support Plan, K/DSRD-, (co-authors R. Bell, G. Brown, W. Hyder, L. Jackson, D. Lopez, J. McCallon, S. Packard, S. Schneider, R. Taylor, J. Turner).
A Structure for Combat Model Integration for U.S. Forces Korea, K/DSRD-886, (co-authors Kara Kruse, Helena Martellaro, John Martellaro, Stephen Packard, Joseph Trien).
Scanning in the Correspondence and Special Services Section (CSSS): Taking Advantage of the ITN Environment, K/DSRD-1172, (co-authors Cathrine Snyder, A. Brockington, J. Williams).
Deterioration of Criminal Justice Information Services: Solving the Disposition Backlog, K/DSRD-1117.
Cost and Effectiveness Analysis BQM-145A Unmanned Aerial Vehicle - Medium Range Maintenance Tasks, K/DSRD-635, (co-authors Cathrine Snyder).
The Center for Modeling, Simulation, and Gaming Strategic Plan, TM.
Confirming the Lanchestrian Linear-Logarithmic Model of Attrition, K/DSRD-263/R1.
Evaluation of the Advanced Battle Simulation in WAREX 3-90, K/DSRD-597, (co-authors Charles Radford, Cathrine Snyder).
Forecasting Relative Combat Effectiveness: A Feasibility Study, K/DSRD-598, (co-authors Keith Posen, Brian Bader, Jonathan Morstein, John Brinkerhoff).
Training Systems Requirements BQM-145A Unmanned Aerial Vehicle - Medium Range, K/DSRD-636, (co-authors Cathrine Snyder).
User's Guide to the Oak Ridge Spreadsheet Battle Model, K/DSRD-413.
Users Manual for the JTF-6 Mapping Inventory System Prototype, K/DSRD-564,(co-authors D. W. Haney, John Phillips).
Combat Model Integration Requirements Analysis for U.S. Forces Korea, K/DSRD-888, (co-authors).
Confirming the Lanchestrian Linear-Logarithmic Model of Attrition, K/DSRD-263.
Historical Validation of an Attrition Model, K/DSRD-115.
Phase I Verification and Validation of SIMNET-T, K/DSRD-116, (co-authors John Quillinan, Kara Kruse).
Verification and Validation of SIMNET-T, K/DSRD-117, (co-authors John Quillinan, Kara Kruse).
Can the Square Law Be Validated?, K/DSRD-57.
Causality Horizon and Parallel Processing for Simulations with Wide Geographical Dispersions, K/DSRD-59.
The Constraint Model of Attrition, K/DSRD-114.
Decision Analysis Methods for Selecting RFP Responses, K/DSRD-181, (co-authors Cathrine Snyder, Max Boling).
Enhanced Utility of War Games Through A.I., K/DSRD-58, (co-authors Glenn Allgood, Michael Guth).
Historical Support for a Mixed Law Lanchestrian Model: Helmbold's Ratio, K/DSRD-113, (co-author Kara Kruse).
Sensitivity Analysis of the Joint Theater Level Simulation (JTLS), Part I, K/DSRD-70, (co-authors Kara Kruse, John Denson, Guy Austin, R. Breuer).
Non-Validation of Lanchester's Original Equations in the Inchon-Seoul Campaign of the Korean War, K/DSRD/TM-12.
Overview of the Modern Aids to Planning Program (MAPP) and the Role of Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Inc., ORNL/DSRD/TM-26, (co-author Simon Rose).
User's Manual for the Research Notes System, ORNL/DSRD/TM-18.
Information Management Task Force Final Report, Milliken TM (co-authors C. Ard, K. Dykes, M. Gaddis, J. Hughes, G. Malone, M. Page, J. Stone, C. Warren, D. Welborn).
An Examination of a Distribution of TAC Contender Solutions, NMCSSC TM (co-author Lt Col Al Cockrell).
TAC Contender as an Adaptive Optimizer.
More about Property SUV4 and Strong Quasi-Cellularity, unpublished.
Quasi-Cellularity Criteria, unpublished.
Fundamentals of Quasi-Cellularity, unpublished.
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