Page Last Updated: Monday, 15 January 2024 22:57 EDT, © 2022, 2023, 2024


Science Fiction Author

Under Construction

The Books:

Warning:  My novels contain sexual situations; the Dark Energy series explores the impact of telepathy on sex and the other series contain sex as a part of the lives of the characters.  On a scale of 0 - 5, where zero contains no sex and five represents pornographic descriptions, I would say that the sex in these novels is at a level 3 to 4.  Therefore, these books are not for children.  My novels also contain explicit Christianity; the characters go to church regularly and discuss Christian morals and general ethics.  There are also snippets of the sermons that are delivered in church included in the stories.  Within the stories spying and combat take place; however, the descriptions aren't particularly bloody.  Each series involves building a business to support the characters' activities; therefore, there are descriptions of some business financial and operational activities.

  • Dark Energy Series - 6 books:  What if telepathy actually exists? How would you prove it? And what if this projective telepathy created positive feedback, enhancing sexual stimuli? What if you could induce telepathy in others? What would the social implications be?

    • Discovery: Telepathy is real - and a problem

      Robert Adams and Eva Bailey discover that they are telepaths and, as scientists, need to know how telepathy works. Robert is a mathematical physicist with a consulting business and Eva is a neuro-biologist, working at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL). They enlist their friends, Selena Bethune, a physicist, Harold Farley, an engineer, Dan Kahn, an organic chemist, and his wife Miriam Larson, a biochemist, all working at ORNL. The group also want to know whether there are other telepaths and if non-telepaths can become telepaths. They expect hostility if the scientific establishment discovers their research too soon, but don’t expect the problems they face from corporate and international sources.

    • Vindication: Telepathy is real, sexy and lucrative

      Robert and Eva are married; Selena and Hal are thinking about it; and Miriam and Dan are going to have a baby. Now, they are working on a series of papers on the biological mechanisms of telepathy and a series on the physics that allows for effective faster-than-light transmission. They have the basics, but need more data to nail everything down. To pay for their research, they form a company they call ΨTech; they are going to market the potion that activates telepathy as a sexual enhancer. As their activities become more public, they receive increased interest from both the Chinese and a commercial espionage firm. Both groups are convinced that there is technology they can steal.

    • Swift War: Telepathy is real - and a threat to China

      The company that Robert, Eva, Selena, Hal, Miriam, and Dan formed, ΨTech, is a financial success and Eva is pregnant. The group has also shown that telepathy is effectively faster than the speed of light and passes directly through the Earth from sender to recipient. One result of a Blue-Ribbon Senate panel is that ΨTech is teaming with ORNL for more ambitious researches. Their Chinese and French adversaries have been foiled but haven’t given up there attempts to obtain ΨTech’s technology. 

    • Gorillas: Telepathic gorillas and Russian aggression

      Eva, Miriam and Dan are investigating the possibility of telepathy in the great apes. Robert, Selena and Hal want to test telepathic transmissions through the earth using satellites. In the practical area, the friends wanted to find some way to block unwanted telepathic messages; they were worried about being nagged by their babies, should they develop telepathic abilities. Since China was defeated in the Swift War, Russia and India are seeing opportunities. And both Russia and India are thinking about finding telepaths of their own. 

    • Society: Telepathy affects societies

      Robert gets involved with military actions involving telepathy in Europe. Eva delves deeper into the biological aspects of telepathy. Miriam continues teaching sign language to the gorillas. Dan works on applications of telepathy in the computer domain. Selena works on applications of telepathy with Hal to investigate the Earth. 

    • Cultures: Telepathic gorillas discover religion

      Now that telepaths are being created in many countries around the world, the impact of the telepaths on the cultures is being felt. Some countries, such as the US, are seeing only moderate effects, in part because of the existence of the Telepathic Society, but China is experiencing disruptions because of the way that the telepathy-inducing process was being implemented. And Father Dave is worried about what he should do if the gorillas ask to be baptized. 

    • Sciences used and abused:  Physics - ultra-high energy gamma rays, volcanoes; biology - pineal gland, cognitive processing; mathematics - information theory, topology; anthropology; sociology; military science.  For more details on the scientific speculation, see here.


Robert and Eva


Selena and Harold

Dan & MiriamPamela, Jack, gorilla

Dan & Miriam                                                                          Pamela, Jack and young gorilla

Light Speed Multiples
Transmission speeds as a function of frequency

Battle Plan
Attack on ORNL by two enemies

TamuBishop 'Father Dave'
Tamu                                                             Bishop 'Father Dave'
  • Persistence of Vision Series - 6 books:  What if quantum events could be controlled mentally? What kinds of things could you do with that control? Could you make money doing it? What would such an ability say about what the mind is?

    • Quantum Magic: Quantum randomness presents opportunities

      Ross MacDonald and his postdoctoral friends, George Williams, Carl Wallace, and Frank Davis, were drinking beer in Gatlinburg when he showed them that he could snuff out a candle by thinking at it. The friends accused him of performing magic, but he assured them that it was just quantum mechanics at work. The beer and the discussion were absorbing but when two young women, Chrissy Jones and Brandy Evans, assistant professors at the college in Maryville, joined them, the question of magic was forgotten. Later, after an altercation at a demonstration, they meet Leanne Wallace, Carl’s sister, and Peggy Jackson, both graduate students. However, the organizer of the demonstration has developed a hatred of Ross and continues to pose a serious threat. 

    • Peggy: Quantum randomness is lucrative

      Leanne has graduated with a PhD in physics and now Peggy is graduating with her PhD in English. The group creates a company called Quantum Agents to use their quantum manipulation abilities. Ross and Leanne are getting married; George and Chrissy, Carl and Brandy, and Frank and Peggy are engaged. At the same time, a chemical engineering firm, CEXPro feels threatened by the Quantum Agents’ technology and wants to purchase and suppress it. And the CEXPro president will do anything to stop Quantum Agents from destroying his company with their quantum capabilities. 

    • Barbara: Teleportation through quantum randomness

      Ross and Leanne, George and Chrissy, Carl and Brandy, and Frank and Peggy, have added Dr. Barbara Moore, their computer expert, and Sheila Anderson, their secretary, to the company. They have plans for further investigations of the implications of quantum manipulations, both as applications and in the field of philosophy. However, they are considering defensive applications, as they are also worried about needing more protection against people who want to steal from them and don’t mind hurting them in the process.  FBI Special Agent JJ Johnson is helping with that.  John Smith, a major criminal, who has replaced CEXPro as the principal danger, is considering why his plan for stealing money from Quantum Agents had not worked and what he wants to do about it.  

    • Brandy: Practical teleportation and Chinese mimicry

      Quantum Agents has demonstrated teleportation of rocks from the Moon, in addition to the lucrative commercial applications of quantum manipulations in chemical engineering and reclamation of valuable chemicals from waste. Frank is investigating applications in medicine. Leanne is pregnant and Barbara is discussing marriage with Joe Parker, a doctor she met while skiing in Gatlinburg. Meanwhile, the Chinese are reading the Quantum Agents’ publications and working on developing their own quantum manipulation abilities – or stealing them. 

    • JJ: Quantum randomness and nuclear attacks

      Quantum agents has solved the problem of teleporting living things and has created t-buggies for distance travel. However, they are also planning a teleporting spaceship. Now, Ross and Leanne are preparing to test a pocket-nuke. Carl and Brandy are preparing a major philosophical conference on free will and are thinking about the mind-body problem. Ross and Leanne have a baby and, Chrissy, Peggy, Brandy, and Barbara are all pregnant. And Li Xinshu, the Chinese intelligence agent is learning what happened to his commandos – he isn’t going to be happy. 

    • Skylark: Quantum space travel becomes a reality

      Ross and his company have an operational spaceship, in which they have teleported to the Moon. Now, they are ready to think about building a base on the Moon. However, there is another country that objects to the US having a Moon base. 

    • Sciences used and abused:  Physics - quantum theory; biology - neural processing, cognitive processing; mathematics - information theory, topology; chemistry; military science; philosophy - free will, mind-body problemFor more details on the scientific speculations, see here.

Ross and LeanneGeorge and Chrissy

                       Ross & Leanne                                                         George & Chrissy


Carl and Brandy


Frank and Peggy


Barbara and Joe


JJ and Doug

Persistence of Vision
Illustration of persistence of vision as a quantum theory

Space port with spaceships and modified C-130

goldGold Coins
Raw gold and gold coins
  • Sense of Gravity Series - 7 books:  What if you could produce the warped space that is called gravity without having any mass at the center of the “gravity well”? Could you build a space drive with this capability? Where would you go if you had such a space drive?

    • Earth: Mathematics leads to a space drive

      Dr. Chuck Anderson creates an artificial gravity-well. And with the help of Cathy Hall and her parents, Frank and Dot, and their family yacht-building business, he builds a spaceship. However, the dangers of space are nothing compared to the dangers of drug gangs on Earth. 

    • Moon: The space drive leads to a Moon base

      Chuck and Cathy are married and have fought several battles with a drug cartel. Chuck and Cathy won, but their first spaceship, the Puck, was destroyed. Now, Chuck and Cathy’s company, C&C Space Exploration, is ready to build a new, larger spaceship. Bill and Anna Cooper, scientists at ORNL who are helping with their Moon researches, will be happy to continue research on extraterrestrial bodies when the new spaceship is built. Further, BGen Fred Hughes, who helped Chuck in the final battle with the drug gang, wants to buy a spaceship for testing at the Defense Intelligence Agency. The local drug gang has been demolished, but there are foreign countries who are interested in controlling space. 

    • Mars: Aliens were on Mars before us

      C&C Space Exploration has mounted several expeditions to the Moon in the Puck 2 and has built a Moon base for the US. Now, Chuck is thinking about building a bigger spaceship and exploring the planets of the Solar System, beginning with Mars. He is also considering other applications of the space warp. However, a European company and the Chinese, in opposition to the US, are set on owning the Moon. 

    • Asteroids: Space wars are matters of minutes

      C&C Space Exploration has built a fleet of ships for the US; the US has fought off an attack on its Moon base; and the C&C Space Exploration expedition to Mars in the Puck 3 has discovered evidence of an alien race on the Mars moons. Now Chuck is thinking about an expedition to the asteroids. However, China hasn’t given up its lunar ambitions. 

    • Jupiter: An FTL hyperdrive changes things

      Following the space war with the Chinese, the government wants more C&C spaceships. Opposition from China is quiescent, but Iran is a potential adversary. The commercial installations on the Moon are growing. Moreover, Chuck has invented a faster-than-light (FTL) drive and wants to know if it is safe for humans.  

    • Colonies: Colonizing the Moon and Mars

      The war with Iran has been concluded; however, North Korea is conducting provocative activities. C&C Space Exploration, together with NASA, has explored the moons of Jupiter; they found more evidence of the mysterious aliens. With the FTL drive, Jupiter is as close as next door and the stars are a possible destination. However, before attempting an interstellar trip, Chuck will be investigating the outer planets. While C&C is selling the modules for lunar hotels and other lunar enterprises, it has also begun work on terraforming and colonizing Mars. 

    • Centauri: The stars are in reach

      Now, the planning is underway for a visit to Alpha Centauri, with a fleet of four civilian spaceships and a fleet of five military spaceships. However, several other expeditions within the solar system are planned to take place first; in addition to the scientific value, everyone wants to find more about the mysterious aliens who built tunnels in so many moons of the Solar System. 

    • Sciences used and abused:  Physics - gravitation, special relativity, orbital mechanics; mathematics - topology; military science; planetary sciences; astronomy; geology; astrogeology; chemistryFor more details on the scientific speculation, see here.


Chuck and Cathy


Frank and Dot


Joe and Sophie


Bill and Anna

Gravity-well representations

Plan view of various spaceships

space war 1
Initial situation of space war

space war 2
Snapdragon gambit

space war 3
Ready for second pass
  • Folded Universe Series - 5 books (so far):  What if the imaginary dimension that is necessary in standard physics equations were an actual dimension like length, width, and depth? And what if the universe were folded in that dimension so that parts of the universe that are distant in the standard dimensions were close in that new dimension? What would you find if you could travel in that direction?

    • Jura: An imaginary dimension yields a new planet

      Bob Hunter is a new assistant professor in the math department at the University of Tennessee and Suzie Fletcher is a new assistant professor of physics at UT. They are busy with teaching duties, counseling students, and serving on departmental committees. Additionally, they are expected to be working on publishing papers. All of this is completely ordinary for young professors. However, Bob has an idea. He proposed that the imaginary values in common physics actually represented a real dimension, different from the normal length, width, and depth dimensions. Further, he suggested that, if the universe were folded in this imaginary dimension, it might be possible to view distant parts of the universe as if they were next door. Bob and Suzie found this concept so intriguing that they work on it in their spare time. When they succeed, they discover dinosaurs! Their work also brings out criminals who want to use it for their own purposes. 

    • Jura Colony: Portals lead to big changes

      Bob and Suzie’s bombshell paper on creating portals between the Earth and other planets appeared while they were on their honeymoon. As a result of the paper, they are having a growing influence on the other members of their departments while they work on the theory behind the folding of the universe in the imaginary dimension. The couple have also enlisted Pat and Rita Kelly as partners in forming Folded Universe, Inc., to take people on safaris to Jura to take pictures of the dinosaurs. Amidst their theoretical researches and commercial endeavors, they have to contend with both Russian and Chinese aggression. Bob and Suzie are also working on a use for the portals that will totally disrupt the economy if it isn’t implemented properly. They are planning on economic upheaval, but not wars. 

    • Yucatan: Asteroids can be dangerous

      The Russian and Chinese assaults were defeated through the use of portals supplied by Folded Universe. However, there were still spies, seduction, and a war being planned. Folded Universe is now a profitable company. Bob and Suzie Hunter and Pat and Rita Kelly are running safaris on Jura and have helped found a colony on Jura. The Russians have also founded a colony there, where they had previously had a military base. Rita and Pat are running a large University of Tennessee project that is funded by the National Science Foundation to investigate Jura. And the math and physics departments are researching various aspects of the 4-dimensional space that contains the folded universe; Bob and Suzie are leading these efforts. But Jura was just one of the near-Earth planets, so Bob and Suzie picked another planet to investigate. This one contained an abandoned city that was being engulfed by a jungle of vegetation. Accordingly, they named this planet Yucatan.  

    • Hades: Describing the folded universe is important

      Bob and Suzie have completed their second major paper, this one providing the theoretical explanation of the folding of the universe and a predictive map of the folds. Within the university, they are searching for remnants of the population of Yucatan and the planetary scientists want them to find an exotic planet to explore. At the same time, Folded Universe’s implementation of the major air routes with a portal-based system is bringing in a phenomenal amount of money. On the international front, Russia and China have exhausted each other, but Syria’s dreams of forming a Greater Syria are generating a quagmire. 

    • Settlements: Hunting dinosaurs for trophies can be dangerous

      Suzie and Bob have shared the Nobel Prize in physics for their first bombshell paper and are set to give lectures around the country. France, Germany and the UK are all building their own colonies on Jura, bringing the total settlements there to five. Bob and Suzie are worried that trophy hunting for dinosaurs will be instituted and that, in time, the planet’s ecology could be irreparably damaged. On Yucatan, the survivors that Pat had found were now settled into three towns, the subjects of intense anthropological study. At some point, the researchers were going to make contact with the survivors, although how and when were not yet determined. 

    • Un-named: In preparation


    • Sciences used and abused:  Physics - curved space; mathematics - topology; military science; planetary sciences; astronomy; anthropology; sociology; geography; geologyFor more details on the scientific speculations, see here.


Bob and Suzie


Pat and Rita

Ken and AprilBrian and Paula

                     Ken and April                                                      Brian and Paula

Camille and LeonLacey and Hal

                     Camille and Leon                                                   Lacey and Hal

Jura Map
Jura map

AllosaurCity in ruins
Allosaur on Jura                                            Ruined city of Maya on Yucatan

Hades aChased by a dinosaur
Hades a as seen from Hades b                                 Chased by a dinosaur
Yucatan pack animals
Yucatan pack animals


About the Novels:

Each novel belongs in one of the series and should be read in series order.  However, each series is independent of the other series, so a reader can start with any series that he or she likes.


Since these are science-fiction novels, the science is important.  Each series is based on its own critical assumption about unknown parts of science.  That is, I have assumed that something is possible and tried to develop a plausible and consistent union of this assumption with known science.  The rest of the science is as accurate as I have been able to make it - there could be errors; however, I've tried to avoid making any.


The characters in my novels live in the real world.  That means they have to support their scientific researches in one way or another.  None of the characters start out so wealthy that money is never a consideration and they all have a "day job," which is a consideration.  Generally, this means that they have had to find ways to make money off their inventions or discoveries.  That meant the accounting had to be correct; the income had to be balanced against the expenses of these made-up businesses.  I have simplified some of the tax implications, but not removed them.  And the details of the businesses that they create drive parts of the stories, just as they do in real life.  In some cases, the business aspects also contributed to the problems the characters encounter. 


In the first series, Dark Energy, I had to treat sex explicitly; that was one of the implied effects of the scientific assumption.  In the other series, sex was not a critical issue; however, the characters' had lives to live and that is part of life.  I could have glossed over the sex, but chose to continue describing it in the same way as I had in the first series. 


When I began writing science fiction, as a long-time reader of SF and as a Christian, I was aware of the different ways that religion and Christianity had been portrayed over the years by many authors in their SF stories. In many, religion was not treated at all; it wasn’t important to the story or to the characters. In some stories, such as the Narnia series by C. S. Lewis (Lewis, 1950) and Tolkien’s Middle Earth stories (Tolkien, 1965), Christianity was used allegorically. A few explicitly included Christianity, such as Weber’s Honor Harrington series (Weber, 1993), Kurtz’ Deryni series (Kurtz, 2014), and Inferno by Niven and Pournelle (Niven & Pournelle, 1976). Some books began with standard Christianity and then modified it, such as Heinlein’s Job: A Comedy of Justice (Heinlein, Job: A Comedy of Justice, 1984) and Stranger in a Strange Land (Heinlein, Stranger in a Strange Land, 1961). Some authors have used religions other than Christianity in a book, such as Zelazny’s Lord of Light (Zelazny, 1967) and some have invented a religion, such as Modesitt in the Imager series (Modesitt Jr., 2009). And then some have treated Christianity as a bad thing (Pullman, 2000).

Therefore, I had a wide variety of models for including religious or spiritual practices in my novels. In a short story, there isn’t room for anything but the most critical elements of the story; hence, it’s not surprising when a short story doesn’t mention religion. However, a novel has more scope and the full development of the novel’s characters supports revealing the religious feelings of at least the main character.

I wanted my characters to be similar to the people I admire and that meant they would go to church regularly. They might miss a Sunday here and there because of some important event; however, their default practice would be to attend church. Further, I wanted my characters to be serious about their faith. I see this in the world I inhabit, so I wanted to ground the more fabulous parts of my novels in as much reality as possible.

So, I began to write. At first, the novels’ contexts just contained regular attendance at church. However, saying, “And he went to church,” grew old. The preacher had to say something worthwhile in a sermon occasionally. Then the characters began to take over and when they ran into problems, they had to consider the solutions. Sometimes that involved a moral or religious question. Since I didn’t have a theologian to generate the sermons or solutions, I had to read the relevant parts of the Bible for a weekly sermon and generally think about the questions my characters were raising. That means the results did not come from some tablets of gold, nor have they been blessed by a committee of priests and theologians. They come from the author, me, and are based on the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. The fidelity of my writing to that inspiration is absolutely subject to debate.  

Characters and Plots

A novel requires a plot and characters.  I discovered that my characters had personalities; I couldn't just direct them to follow a simple plot.  Therefore, the plots evolved to meet the needs of the characters and how they would react to the developing situations.  The characters would also have to travel and that meant the local descriptions had to be realistic.  Therefore, almost all of the locations are places in which I have lived or spent some time visiting.  Finally, I want to note that the initial books in each series are simpler than the later books.  As the stories evolve, the characters meet and interact with more people and the number of sub-stories increase.  I've attempted to make the character list at the beginning of each book grow with the increase of characters.  I also had to age the principal characters properly; birthdays occur and the stories need to reflect the ages properly.


When I started reading science fiction, it was classed as pulp fiction and undeserving of literary notice.  However, I understand that some colleges have courses in science fiction now.  In one of the series, one of the characters is an English major and develops a technique using Hilbert spaces in her analyses of literature.  I thought it would be fun to use that technique to analyze my novels and other books. There is a rudimentary literary analysis of the novels here.

Cited Works

Heinlein, R. A. (1961). Stranger in a Strange Land. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons.

Heinlein, R. A. (1984). Job: A Comedy of Justice. New York: Ballantine Books.

Kurtz, K. (2014). The King's Deryni. New York: The Berkley Publishing Group.

Lewis, C. S. (1950). The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. New York: Macmillan Publishing Company.

Modesitt Jr., L. E. (2009). Imager. New York: Tom Doherty Associates.

Niven, L., & Pournelle, J. (1976). Inferno. New York: Pocket Book.

Pullman, P. (2000). His Dark Materials. New York: Random House.

Tolkien, J. R. (1965). The Lord of the Rings. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.

Weber, D. (1993). On Basilisk Station. Riverdale: Baen Publishing.

Zelazny, R. (1967). Lord of Light. Garden City: Doubleday & Company, Inc.  



I started subscribing to Astounding/Analog Science Fiction/Fact in the ‘60s and more than 50% of my 7500+ book library is SF. So, I have read a lot of science fiction over a large number of years. I have lived and read through a large portion of its history and know how to recognize the ones with solid scientific backgrounds and which ones contained characters that I grew to care about and wanted to read more about. So, now I'm writing SF; I'm writing books with stories that I want to read, populated by people I like, and based on science as we know it today, with the exception of one or two extrapolations that make the stories science fiction.

I am the Principal of Hartley Consulting.  I am also the Chief Operating Officer (COO) and Vice President of Sisyphus Energy, Inc. (SEI).  Previously I was a Senior Member of the Research Staff at the Department of Energy Oak Ridge Facilities (Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Y12 Site and East Tennessee Technology Park).  I graduated Summa Cum Laude, Phi Beta Kappa, from Wofford College in 1968, majoring in mathematics and foreign languages.  I received my Ph.D. in piecewise linear topology from the University of Georgia in 1973.  I've been active in the practice of operations research for more than 50 years.

I am a past Director of the Military Operations Research Society (MORS), a past Vice President of the Institute for Operations Research and Management Science (INFORMS), a past President of the Military Applications Society (MAS), and a member of the INFORMS Simulation Society (ISIM).  I also served as the Technical Advisor for Operations Research and Modeling to the International Psychopharmacology Algorithm Project (IPAP).  I am a Senior Fellow with the George Mason University School of Public Policy, a consulting resource for the Naval Postgraduate School (NPS), Modeling, Virtual Environments & Simulation (MOVES) Institute, and a Research Fellow with the University of Alabama in Huntsville, Center for the Management of Science and Technology (CMOST). 

I've co-authored Cognitive Superiority: Information to Power (2020), authored An Ontology of Modern Conflict: Including Conventional Combat and Unconventional Conflict (2020), An Ontology for Unconventional Conflict (2018) Unconventional Conflict: A Modeling Perspective (2017), Predicting Combat Effects (2001), co-authored OOTW Analysis and Modeling Techniques (OOTWAMT) Workshop Proceedings (1997) and NATO Code of Best Practice for C2 Assessment (2002), contributed eleven chapters to nine other books, and written more than 150 articles and technical documents.  My expertise includes modeling of combat, DIME/PMESII (diplomatic, information, military, economic / political, military, economic, social, information, infrastructure) operations, verification, validation, and accreditation (VV&A) of models, psychopharmacology modeling, and simulation.  I received the Koopman Prize for best publication in military operations research in 1994 and the Steinhardt Prize for lifetime achievement in operations research in 2013.  In 2022, I was presented the MORS Clayton J. Thomas Award for distinguished professional service and expanded application of military and national security research.


Motto:  There's more to life than reading books ... but I don't remember what it is.

To contact me, use my initials 'DS' lastname 'Hartley' the number '3' and '' - make the subject line 'Science Fiction Books' or something similar.

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