Born: August 3, 1920, Redland (Jesup), GA.
Died: March 19, 2010, Monroe, LA.
Married: Ruth Boyd, December 5, 1942 until her death
March 7, 2002.
Children and Grandchildren:
Dean S. Hartley III [external
link], wife Eileen O. Hartley
Theresa Hartley Nelson Elise Hartley Henderson
Caroline Henderson
Clare Henderson
Margaret Henderson
Patricia H. Partnow
Seth Partnow
Reilly Partnow Bruce Partnow
Alix Partnow
Barbara M. Hartley
[external link], husband Cloyde Wiley
Shannon Gatti McCarthy
Luke McCarthy
Claire McCarthy
Erica Gatti Sturgis
Gwendolyn Sturgis
Greta Sturgis
Matthew Gatti

Dean S. Hartley, Jr. - Dec 2002 |

Ruth and Dean Hartley |
ROTC at Wofford College, completed 1941
Enlisted seaman second class, V-5, June 6,
2ndLt, July 21, 1941
Marine Fighting Squadron-224 (VMF-224),
Guadalcanal (Cactus) 1942
Marine Fighting Squadron-225 (VMF-225), Marianas
Asst. G-1 AirFMFPac
Asst. G-1 1st Marine Division (cross training two
Air Field Operations Officer, Marine Corps Air
Station (MCAS) Miami, FL
Commanding Officer Marine Air Maintenance
Squadron-33 (MAMS-33), Korea
Commanding Officer Marine Fighter Attack
Squadron-115 (VMFA-115), Korea
Commanding Officer Marine Air Reserve Training
Detachment (MARTD) Niagara Falls, NY
Head, Enlisted Detail Branch, Headquarters (HQ)
Commanding Officer, Marine Aerial
Refueler Transport Squadron-352 (VMGR-352)
Asst. C/S Wing Comptroller
Deputy Head and Head, Naval Warfare Course, Naval
War College
Director, Marine Corps Extension School
Retired February 28, 1971
Distinguished Flying Cross with
one gold star
Air Medal with eight gold stars
Navy Commendation Medal with Combat "V"
Presidential Unit Citation, 1st Division
Navy Unit Commendation
American Defense Service Medal
American Campaign Medal
Asiatic Pacific Campaign Medal with three stars
Victory Medal WW II
National Defense Service Medal
Korean Service Medal with one star
United Nations Service Medal
Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal
Letter of Appreciation (2)Credited with 4 1/2 air combat kills at
Dress Blues on display at the
Chenault Aviation &
Military Museum, Monroe, LA.
See more details, including pictures of airplanes
flown in Military Service. See also
Time of the Aces: Marine Pilots in the Solomons, 1942-1944,
photograph on page 2, Commander Peter B. Mersky, Marine Corps Historical
Center, 1993, and the electronic version at the Naval Postgraduate
School website [external].
A.B., chemistry, Wofford College [external link], 1941.
M.A., business & education, Stanford [external link],
Jet Refresher Course, El Toro, CA (3 wks) 1963
GV-1 Pilots FA, Crs (3 wks) 1961
Naval War College, Newport, RI, (43 wks) 1961
Amphibious Warfare School MCS, Quantico, VA, (20 wks)
Nuclear Weapons School, Sandia Base, NM, (4 wks) 1952
Stanford University (PA&TrngCrs), Monterey, CA,
(52 wks) 1951
1st MAIS MCS (Junior Course), Quantico, VA, (16 wks) 1945
Naval Flight School, Jacksonville/Miami, FL, (36 wks)
Deputy Head and Head, Naval Warfare Course, Naval War
College, Newport, RI: 1964-1969
Director Marine Corps Extension School, Quantico, VA:
Department Head and Associate Professor of Aviation,
Northeast Louisiana University (renamed University of
Louisiana at Monroe [external
link]), Monroe, LA: 1971-1988.
Col Hartley began sculpting and painting in high
school and has continued throughout his life. His work is shown in the Artist
Col Hartley began collecting oriental art with three
Japanese swords, collected during World War II. Since
that time, he has collected swords, cloisonne, porcelain,
pottery, armor, netsuke, prints, and other oriental art.
He is considered by many to be an authority on the
He is a Past President of the Japanese Sword Society
of the US (JSSUS) [external
link], Past President of the Southern California
Sword Society (Nanka Token Kai) [external
link], Sensei and Honorary Life Member of the Florida
Token Kai [external
link], and a member of the Dallas Token Kenkyu Kai.
- "Wearing Samurai
a 2.5 minute movie, 1963 or 64.
- "Retempering a blade,"
reporting on Mr. Fujimura's process, 1964.
- "Letter to Bob Wainwright,"
concerning year in Japan and other sword matters, 1965.
- "Dr. Homma's Visit to Boston
Museum," reporting to the Nanka Token Kai, 1965.
- "The Sword Appraisal
System," reporting to the Nanka Token Kai, 1965.
- "The Shape of the
Sword," in The Book of the Sword,
edited by Randolph B. Caldwell, published by Token Kenkyu Kai, Dallas,
TX, 1972, contains an excellent introduction to examining a sword
with respect to its shape.
- "Role
of the Sword Maker," presented at the Netsuke Seminar Program,
Oct 1 - 4, 1975, East Dennis, MA.
- "Metal Netsuke," notes for the Netsuke Seminar Program, Oct 1 -
4, 1975, East Dennis, MA.
- "The
Wandering Arms of Japan," by Dean Hartley and Thomas B.
Buttweiler, in Northern California Japanese Sword Club Token TaiKai
'76 Lectures, published by the Northern
California Japanese Sword Club, San Francisco, CA, 1976.
- "Japanese Armor and Weapons,"
presented at The American Society of Arms Collectors (ASAC), Mar 29
- Apr 2, 1978, Vicksburg, MS.
- "The
Japanese Sword - Symbol of a Culture," in Profile of
Ouachita, July/August, Volume 2, No. 2, 1979.
- "Oriental Porcelains,"
in Profile of Ouachita, September/October, Volume 2,
No. 3, 1979.
- "Everything You Ever Wanted to
Know about Collecting Japanese Swords...," for
the Florida Token Kai, published by the Japanese Sword
Society of the US [external link], 2003.
Museum Exhibits
Subject of Articles
He has also been the subject of articles on oriental art:
- "Sword Maker and Art
Collector," Torii Teller, Iwakuni Weekly, June 7,
- "Samurai Sword
Collector," The New Bedford Sunday Standard-Times,
December 15, 1968.
- "Collector's
Bag: Knives and Guns," Navy Times, December 17,
1969, The American Weekend Section.
- "The Swords of Samurai," The Free Lance-Star, Fredericksburg,
VA, April 25, 1970, Town & Country Section.
- "Swords capture
collector's heart," News-Star-World, Monroe, LA,
January 7, 1987, Accent Section.
- "Displaying Japanese Armor,"
- "A Lesson in Japanese Swords,"
Obituary and other memorial information.