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Topic: Operations
Other Than War (OOTW)
Dr. Dean S. Hartley III
Operations Other Than War (OOTW) includes all military operations other than
combat and garrison activities. Related terms are Low
Intensity Conflict (LIC), Irregular Warfare (IW), Stability and Support Operations (SASO), Global War on
Terror (GWOT), and Stability, Security, Transition and Reconstruction (SSTR)
operations. In order to understand the nature of these operations, variables
beyond attrition are needed. The most prevalent characterization is Diplomatic, Information, Military, Economic (DIME) /
Political, Military, Economic, Social, Infrastructure,
Information (PMESII), where the PMESII variables describe the state of the
situation and the DIME variables identify the actions that can be taken to
affect the situation. In some circles this is known as Human Social and Cultural
Behavior (HSCB).
Select one of the links below.
- US Pacific Command (USPACOM): Defined
conceptual model to address geo-political decisions
reflecting psychological and sociological responses to
the decisions by the various individuals and groups in
the decision environment. Discussed the model as invited
speaker to AMORS III in Bangkok, Thailand (see link in
SO/LIC project below).
- USPACOM: This project involved defining
the requirements for analytical tools to support OOTW
(see link in the PA&E project below).
- Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD),
Program Analysis & Evaluation (PA&E):
This project involved defining the Joint Warfare Simulation
(JWARS) support for OOTW, as JWARS itself was being
defined, comparing this support with the OOTW
requirements for analytical tool support, and making
- Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (OASD),
Special Operations / Low Intensity Conflict (SO/LIC):
This project involved defining the analysis requirements
for Costing OOTWs, designing forces for OOTWs, simulating the impacts of events
in OOTWs, and making recommendations.
- USPACOM: This project involved a
gathering of experts in predicting national
- Defense Modeling and Simulation Office (DMSO):
This project involved specifying the architecture for and
creating an OOTW Toolbox.
- Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA): As part of a
team, created a VV&A Methodology for Conflict Modeling, Planning and Outcome
Experimentation (COMPOEX), a DIME/PMESII
simulation, including novel methods to support rapid validation under
conditions of model changes and novel methods to support causal tracing.
- Naval Research Laboratory (NRL): This project involved
providing advice on DIME/PMESII tools.
- National Defense University (NDU): This project involved
chairing a working group on DIME/PMESII tools and verification & validation
in a HSCB Workshop, co-chairing the Synthesis
Working Group in the second workshop, co-chairing the Synthesis Working
Group in the first data workshop, and writing and editing the
- Internal Research & Development: This project involved creating a
support tool for the Verification, Validation & Accreditation (VV&A) or
This tool keeps the records for conceptual model validation, static model
verification & validation, data verification & validation, formal (dynamic)
testing, and creation of accreditation certificates.
- Internal Research & Development: Created a website to support a Community of Interest (COI)
for DIME/PMESII, HSCB, and IW modeling.
- CERDEC Intelligence and Information Warfare (I2WD):
V&V of the HSCB Testbed:
this project involved prototype Verification & Validation of the
HSCB Testbed.
- US Army TRAC: IW Metric Ontology:
this work consisted of creating an ontology of the metrics for
modeling Irregular Warfare (IW).
- IR&D: Created a
Total Ontology of the elements needed for modeling
Irregular Warfare (IW).
- Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL): Participated in
project to develop the National Operational
Environment Model (NOEM) by adding Human, Social, Cultural
Behavior (HSCB) modeling and aiding in the V&V of the results.
- US Army TRAC: IW Metric Ontology
this work consisted of improving the ontology of Irregular Warfare (IW).
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Solving Complex Operational and Organizational Problems
Dr. Dean S. Hartley III, Principal |